Week 2, here we go!
Who doesn’t love a good devilled egg? A party classic, and a historic one too!
Devilled, meaning hot or boiled
The name “Devilled Eggs” actually comes to us from medieval times (the era, not the restaurant.). Devilled referred to dishes that were heavily spiced or boiled. Our eggs are not as heavily spiced as they would have been 600 years ago, but we still think they are delicious.
In the 15th century…
Eggs were served as an appetizer to the main meal. Eggs were stuffed with raisins, parsley, mint, cheese, and other herbs. The “Devilled” comes into the name through the use of peppercorns. Our devilled eggs don’t contain peppercorn, we have made a more garden-friendly variation that comes to us from “The Good Hus-wife’s Jewell” written by Thomas Dawson in 1585.
“Take eight or ten eggs and boyle them hard, pill of the shelles, and cutte every eg in the middle then take out the yolkes and make your farsing stuffe as you do for flesh, saving only you must put butter into it instead of suet, and that a little so doon fill your Egges where the yolkes were, and then binde them and seethe them a little, and so serve them to the table.“
When we were first trying out this recipe, the only fat we had on hand was lard. Fun Fact: If you use lard instead of butter, these will leave an incredibly unpleasant film over your mouth. We do not recommend this tactic, but it makes for nice pictures!
Served 3-4 people
Add a photo of your Devilled Eggs to the comments of this week’s recipe post on the Colony of Avalon’s Facebook page for a chance to win weekly and grand prizes.
Up for grabs this week? A reproduction Herb Chopped, that’ll make chopping all your herbs for this recipe a breeze!
Deadline for this week’s entries is 11:59 pm, Friday, September 21, 2023.