The bread can be made in two ways. A leaven can be started the evening before bread is baked. A portion of dough was often kept from one batch to start another. The leven serves the same purpose. To make the leaven, combine ½ cup of water with ½ teaspoon of yeast and let it stand for one minute. Add ¾ cup of whole wheat flour and stir until thick. Cover with clean damp cloth and let it stand overnight in a cool place.The next morning, let the leaven come to room temperature and transfer to a large bowl. Add 2 ½ cups of water and ¼ teaspoon of yeast. Stir until the leaven is broken up and foams slightly. Add 1 cup of flour and stir thoroughly. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt, mix well. Add enough flour so that the mixture is hard to stir. Knead dough for about 15 minutes, adding flour as necessary. The dough should be smooth and not dry.
If you do not prepare the leaven, bread can still be made the next day. Instead of putting a leaven in a large bowl, combine 1 teaspoon of yeast and 1 cup of water. Let stand for a minute. Add one cup of flour and mix well. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt and stir. Add 2 cups of flour and stir well. Add enough flour so that the mixture is hard to stir. Knead dough for about 15 min, adding flour as necessary. The dough should be smooth and not dry.
If the dough springs back when you poke your finger in it or if it keeps its shape when formed into a ball, it has been adequately kneaded. If not, keep kneading until this happens. Once the dough is well kneaded, place it in an oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth and place the bowl in a warm location. Let the dough double in size. If an indentation stays in the dough when you poke it with your finger, it has risen enough.
Deflate the dough, knead slightly, place back in the bowl, cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, deflate and knead the dough again, removing any air pockets. The dough can be shaped into one ball or divided into two separate balls. Place dough in a proofing basket which has been lined with a floured linen cloth. Dust the top with flour. Cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm area until it has increased 1 ½ times its size.
While you are waiting for the dough to rise, preheat the oven at 350 degrees. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes. Cooking time may vary depending on your oven. If the bread makes a hollow sound when tapped it is cooked. But be careful, the top may be hollow and the bottom may be not, if the bread is not fully cooked, place it back in the oven for 15 minutes, checking periodically until it is cooked. When it is taken out of the oven, cover with a cloth for about 30 min. Let it cool before you attempt to cut it.